Professor of Marketing
HEC Paris
Tina M. Lowrey is Professor of Marketing at HEC Paris. She holds a Ph.D. in Communications and an M.S. in Advertising from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and a B.B.A. in Finance from the University of Houston. She was previously a faculty member at the University of Texas at San Antonio and at Rider University. She has also taught at the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania and has held visiting professor positions at the NYU Stern School of Business, Tulane University, ESCP, and University of Sydney.
Research Interests
Tina Lowrey’s research interests include children's understanding of brand symbolism, gift giving and ritual, and the application of psycholinguistic theory to marketing communications. Her research has appeared in numerous journals, including Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Consumer Psychology, and Journal of Advertising. She has edited three scholarly books, including the 2008 Brick & Mortar Shopping in the 21st Century (Erlbaum) and the 2007 Psycholinguistic Phenomena in Marketing Communications (Erlbaum). She serves on the editorial review boards of the Journal of Consumer Psychology, International Journal of Research in Marketing, Journal of Advertising, Media Psychology.
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Refereed Journal Articles
Fumagalli, Elena, L. J. Shrum, and Tina M. Lowrey (2024), “The Effects of Social Media Consumption on Adolescent
Psychological Well-Being,” Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, 9(2), forthcoming.
Shrum, L. J., Elena Fumagalli, and Tina M. Lowrey (2023), “Coping With Loneliness Through Consumption,” Journal of Consumer Psychology., 33 (2), 441-465.Givi, Julian, Jeff Galak, Laura Birg, and Tina M. Lowrey (2023), “An Integrative Review of Gift-Giving Research in Consumer Behavior and Marketing,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 33 (3), 529-545.
Mecit, Alican, Tina M. Lowrey, and L. J. Shrum (2022), “Grammatical Gender and Anthropomorphism: ‘It’ Depends on the Language,” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 123 (3), 503-517.
Mecit, Alican, L. J. Shrum, and Tina M. Lowrey (2022), “COVID-19 is Feminine: Grammatical Gender Influences Future Danger Perceptions and Precautionary Behavioral Intentions by Activating Gender Stereotypes,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 32 (2), 316-325.
Chen, Ning, Francine Petersen, and Tina M. Lowrey (2022), “The Effect of Altruistic Gift Giving on Subsequent Self-Indulgence in Luxury,” Journal of Business Research, 146, 84-94.
Fumagalli, Elena, L. J. Shrum, and Tina M. Lowrey (2022), “Consuming in Response to Loneliness: Bright Side and Dark Side Effects,” Current Opinion in Psychology, 46, Article 101329.
Shrum, L. J., Lan Nguyen Chaplin, and Tina M. Lowrey (2022), “Causes, Correlates, and Consequences of Materialism,” Consumer Psychology Review, 5, 69-86.
Watson, Karen, Tina M.Lowrey, L. J. Shrum, and Franco Sassi (2022), “You Are What You Drink: A Case Study of the Drink Up Campaign,” Journal of Business & Economic Policy, 9 (3), doi:10.30845/jbep.v9n3p1.
Pogacar, Ruth, Justin Angle, Tina M. Lowrey, L. J. Shrum, and Frank R. Kardes (2021), “Is Nestlé a Lady?The Feminine Brand Name Advantage,” Journal of Marketing, 85 (6), 101-117.
Spielmann, Nathalie, Susan Dobscha, and Tina M. Lowrey (2021), “Real Men Don’t Buy “Mrs. Clean”: Gender Bias in Gendered Brands,” Journal of the Association of Consumer Research, 6 (2), 211-222.
Zawadzka, Anna Maria, Agnes Nairn, Tina M. Lowrey, Liselot Hudders, Aysen Bakir, Andrew Rogers, Verolien Cauberghe, Elodie Gentina, Hua Li, and Fiona Spotswood (2021), “Can the Youth Materialism Scale be Used Across Different Countries and Cultures?” International Journal of Marketing Research, 63 (3), 317-334.
Liu, Fan, Zachary Johnson, Carolyn Massiah, and Tina M. Lowrey (2020), “Nonmonetary and Nonreciprocal Freecycling: Motivations for Participating in Online Alternative Giving Communities,” Journal of Consumer Behavior, 19 (4), 339-350.
Chaplin, Lan Nguyen, Tina M. Lowrey, Aylla A. Ruvio, L. J. Shrum, and Kathleen Vohs (2020), “Age Differences in Children’s Happiness from Material Goods and Experiences: The Role of Memory and Theory of Mind,” International Journal of Research in Marketing, 37, 572-586.
Pogacar, Ruth, L. J. Shrum, and Tina M. Lowrey (2018), “The Effects of Linguistic Devices on Consumer Information Processing and Persuasion: A Language Complexity × Processing Mode Framework,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 28 (4), 689-711.
Gentina, Elodie, L. J. Shrum, and Tina M. Lowrey (2018), “Coping with Loneliness Through Materialism: Strategies Matter for Adolescent Development of Unethical Behavior," Journal of Business Ethics, 152 (1), 103-122.
Gentina, Elodie, L. J. Shrum, Tina M. Lowrey, Scott J. Vitell, and Gregory M. Rose (2018), “An Integrative Model of the Influence of Parental and Peer Support on Consumer Ethical Beliefs: The Mediating Role of Self-Esteem, Power, and Materialism,” Journal of Business Ethics, 150 (4), 1173-1186.
Baxter, Stacey M., Jasmini Ilicic, Alicia Kulczynski, and Tina M. Lowrey (2017), “Using Sublexical Priming to Enhance Brand Name Phonetic Symbolism Effects in Young Children,” Marketing Letters, 28, 565-577.
Gentina, Elodie, L. J. Shrum, and Tina M. Lowrey (2016), “Teen Attitudes toward Luxury Brands from a Social Identity Perspective: A Cross-Cultural Study of French and U.S. Teenagers,” Journal of Business Research, 69 (December), 5785-5792.
Kronrod, Ann, and Tina M. Lowrey (2016), “Tastlé and Toogle – Nestlé and Google: The Effects of Similarity to Familiar Brand Names in Brand Name Innovation,” Journal of Business Research, 69, 1182-1189.
Baxter, Stacey M., Jasmina Ilicic, Alicia Kulczynski, and Tina M. Lowrey (2015), “Communicating Product Size Using Sound and Shape Symbolism,” Journal of Product and Brand Management, 24 (5), 472-480.Klein, Jill G., Tina M. Lowrey, and Cele C. Otnes (2015), “Identity-Based Motivations and Anticipated Reckoning: Contributions to Gift-Giving Theory from an Identity-Stripping Context,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 25 (3), 431-448.
Shrum, L. J., Tina M. Lowrey, Mario Pandelaere, Ayalla Ruvio, Elodie Gentina, Pia Furcheim, Maud Herbert, Liselot Hudders, Inge Lens, Naomi Mandel, Agnes Nairn, Adriana Samper, Isabella Soscia, and Laurel Steinfield (2014), “Materialism: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly,” Journal of Marketing Management, 30 (17/18), 1858-1881.
Baxter, Stacey, and Tina M. Lowrey (2014), “Examining Children's Preference for Phonetically Manipulated Brand Names across Two English Accent Groups,” International Journal of Research in Marketing, 31, 122-124.
Shrum, L. J., Nancy Wong, Farrah Arif, Sunaina Chugani, Alexander Gunz, Tina M. Lowrey, Agnes Nairn, Mario Pandelaere, Spencer M. Ross, Ayalla Ruvio, Kristin Scott, and Jill Sundie (2013), “Reconceptualizing Materialism as Identity Goal Pursuits: Functions, Processes, and Consequences,” Journal of Business Research, 66, 1179-1185.
Shrum, L. J., Tina M. Lowrey, David Luna, Dawn Lerman, and Min Liu (2012), “Sound Symbolism Effects across Languages: Implications for Global Brand Names,” International Journal of Research in Marketing, 29, 275-279. [[Replicated: Baxter, S. and T. M. Lowrey (2014), International J. Research in Marketing, 31 (1), 122-124; Kuehnl, C. and A. Mantau (2013), International J. Research in Marketing, 30 (4), 417-420.]]
Wong, Nancy, L. J. Shrum, Farrah Arif, Sunaina Chugani, Alexander Gunz, Tina M. Lowrey, Agnes Nairn, Mario Pandelaere, Spencer M. Ross, Ayalla Ruvio, Kristin Scott, and Jill Sundie (2011), “Rethinking Materialism: A Process View and Some Transformative Consumer Research Implications,” Journal of Research for Consumers, 19, 1-4.
Baxter, Stacey, and Tina M. Lowrey (2011), “Phonetic Symbolism and Children’s Brand Name Preferences,” Journal of Consumer Marketing, 28 (7), 516-523.
Chaplin, Lan Nguyen, Wilson Bastos, and Tina M. Lowrey (2010), “Beyond Brands: Happy Adolescents See the Good in People,” Journal of Positive Psychology, 5 (5), 342-354.
Chaplin, Lan Nguyen, and Tina M. Lowrey (2010), “The Development of Consumer-Based Consumption Constellations in Children,” Journal of Consumer Research, 36 (5), 757-777.
Sabbane, Lalla Ilhame, Tina M. Lowrey, and Jean-Charles Chebat (2009), “The Effectiveness of Cigarette Warning Label Fear Threats on Non-Smoking Adolescents,” Journal of Consumer Affairs, 43 (2), 332-345.
Lowrey, Tina M., and L. J. Shrum (2007), “Phonetic Symbolism and Brand Name Preference,” Journal of Consumer Research, 34 (October), 406-414. [[Replicated: Baxter, S. and T. M. Lowrey (2014), International J. Research in Marketing, 31 (1), 122-124; Kuehnl, C. and A. Mantau (2013), International J. Research in Marketing, 30 (4), 417-420.]]Lowrey, Tina M. (2006), “The Relation Between Script Complexity and Commercial Memorability,” Journal of Advertising, 35 (3), 7-15.
Lowrey, Tina M., Cele C. Otnes, and Mary Ann McGrath (2005), “Shopping with Consumers: Reflections and Innovations,” Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal, 8 (2), 176-188.
Lowrey, Tina M., Cele C. Otnes, and Julie A. Ruth (2004), “Social Influences on Dyadic Giving Over Time: A Taxonomy From the Giver’s Perspective,” Journal of Consumer Research, 30 (4), 547-558.
Lowrey, Tina M., L. J. Shrum, and Tony Dubitsky (2003), “The Relation Between Brand Name Linguistic Characteristics and Brand Name Memory,” Journal of Advertising, 32 (Fall), 7-17 (lead article).
Lowrey, Tina M., Basil G. Englis, Sharon Shavitt, and Michael R. Solomon (2001), “Response Latency Verification of Consumption Constellations: Implications for Advertising Strategy,” Journal of Advertising, 30 (1), 29-39.
Lowrey, Tina M., Ralph Gallay, and L. J. Shrum (1998), “The Influence of Nutrition Information and Advertising Claims on Product Perceptions,” The Journal of the Association of Marketing Educators, 2 (Fall), 23-37.
Lowrey, Tina M. (1998), “The Effects of Syntactic Complexity on Advertising Persuasiveness,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 7 (2), 187-206.
Otnes, Cele, Tina M. Lowrey, and L. J. Shrum (1997), “Toward an Understanding of Consumer Ambivalence,” Journal of Consumer Research, 24 (1), 80-93. Reprinted in Case Study Methods in Business Research, eds. Albert J. Mills and Gabrielle Durepos, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Otnes, Cele, Mary Ann McGrath, and Tina M. Lowrey (1995), “Shopping with Consumers: Usage as Past, Present and Future Research Technique,” Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2 (2), 97-110.
Shrum, L. J., Tina M. Lowrey, and John A. McCarty (1995), “Applying Social and Traditional Marketing Principles to the Reduction of Household Waste: Turning Research into Action,” American Behavioral Scientist, 38 (4), 646-657.
Shrum, L. J., John A. McCarty, and Tina M. Lowrey (1995), “Buyer Characteristics of the Green Consumer and Their Implications for Advertising Strategy,” Journal of Advertising, 24 (2), 71-82.
Shavitt, Sharon, Suzanne C. Swan, Tina M. Lowrey, and Michaela Wanke (1994), “The Interaction of Endorser Attractiveness and Involvement in Persuasion Depends on the Goal That Guides Message Processing,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 3 (2), 137-162.
Shrum, L. J., Tina M. Lowrey, and John A. McCarty (1994), “Recycling as a Marketing Problem: A Framework for Strategy Development,” Psychology & Marketing, 11 (4), 393-416.Otnes, Cele, Tina M. Lowrey, and Young Chan Kim (1993), “Gift Selection for Easy and Difficult Recipients,” Journal of Consumer Research, 20 (2), 229-244.
Shavitt, Sharon, Tina M. Lowrey, and Sang-Pil Han (1992), “Attitude Functions in Advertising: The Interactive Role of Products and Self-Monitoring,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 1 (4), 337-364.Book Chapters
Hoeger, Laura, L. J. Shrum, and Tina M. Lowrey (2024), “Ritual Behaviors in a Marketing Context: How Mundane Rituals Influence Marketing Behaviors,” in The Handbook of Rituals in Marketing, eds. C. C. Otnes & T. M. Lowrey, Taylor & Francis, forthcoming.
Shrum, L. J., Elena Fumagalli, & Tina M. Lowrey (2024), “The Efficacy of Self-Repair through Compensatory Consumption,” in Routledge Handbook of Identity and Consumption (2nd ed.), eds. Russell Belk & Ayalla R. Ruvio, New York: Routledge, forthcoming.Otnes, Cele C., and Tina M. Lowrey (forthcoming), “Introduction,” in The Handbook of Rituals in Marketing, eds. C. C. Otnes & T. M. Lowrey, Taylor & Francis.
Kahle, Lynn, Tina M. Lowrey, and Joel Huber (2022), “Introduction to Consumer Psychology,” in APA Handbook of Consumer Psychology, ed. L. Kahle/assoc. eds. T. M. Lowrey and J. Huber, Washington, DC: American Psychological Association, 15-18.
Pogacar, Ruth, Alican Mecit, Fei Gao, L. J. Shrum, and Tina M. Lowrey (2022), “Language and Consumer Psychology,” in APA Handbook of Consumer Psychology, eds. Lynn Kahle, Joel Huber, & Tina M. Lowrey, Washington, DC: American Psychological Association, 451-470.
Chaplin, Lan, L. J. Shrum, and Tina M. Lowrey (2019), “Children’s Materialism and Identity Development,” in Handbook of Research on Identity Theory in Marketing, eds. Americus Reed II & Mark Forehand, Cheltenham, United Kingdom: Edward Elgar Publishing, 434-447.
Chaplin, Lan Nguyen, Tina M. Lowrey, Tina. M., Lan Nguyen Chaplin, Agnes Nairn, Aysen Bakir, Verolien Cauberghe, Elodie Gentina, Liselot Hudders, Hua Li, Fiona Spotswood, and Anna Maria Zawadzka (2018), “Conducting International Research with Children: Challenges and Potential Solutions,” in The Routledge Companion to Consumer Behavior, eds. M. R. Solomon and T. M. Lowrey, New York: Routledge, 346-360.
Pogacar, Ruth, Tina M. Lowrey, and L. J. Shrum (2018), “The Influence of Marketing Language on Brand Perceptions and Choice,” in The Routledge Companion to Consumer Behavior, eds. M. R. Solomon and T. M. Lowrey, New York: Routledge, 263-275.
Solomon, Michael R., and Tina M. Lowrey (2018), “Preface,” in The Routledge Companion to Consumer Behavior, eds. M. R. Solomon and T. M. Lowrey, New York: Routledge, p. xxvii.Gonzalez, Eva, and Tina M. Lowrey (2015), “Preface,” in Latin American Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. III, eds. E. Gonzalez and T. M. Lowrey, Association for Consumer Research.
Roche, Sarah, L. J. Shrum, and Tina M. Lowrey (2015), “The Aesthetics of Brand Name Design: Form, Fit, Fluency, and Phonetics,” in The Psychology of Design, eds. R. Batra, D. Brei, and C. Seifert, Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe, 180-196.
McCarty, John A., and Tina M. Lowrey (2012), “Product Integration: Current Practices and New Directions,” in The Psychology of Entertainment Media: Blurring the Lines Between Entertainment and Persuasion (2nd ed.), ed. L. J. Shrum, New York, NY: Routledge, 11-35.
Shrum, L. J., Min Liu, Mark Nespoli, and Tina M. Lowrey (2012), “Persuasion in the Marketplace: How Theories of Persuasion Apply to Marketing and Advertising,” in The Sage Handbook of Persuasion: Developments in Theory and Practice (2nd ed.), eds. J. P. Dillard and L. Shen, Los Angeles: Sage, 314-330.
McCarty, John A., L. J. Shrum, and Tina M. Lowrey (2010), “Psychographics” in Green Consumerism: An A-to-Z Guide, ed. J. Mansvelt, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 5 Jan. 2011, http://www.sageereference.com/greenconsumerism/Article_n124.html.
Acevedo, Claudia R., José Mauro C. Hernandez, and Tina M. Lowrey (2009), “Preface,” in Latin American Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. II, eds. C. R. Acevedo, J. M. C. Hernandez, and T. M. Lowrey, Association for Consumer Research, iii.
Shrum, L. J., Tina M. Lowrey, and Yuping Liu (2009), “Emerging Issues in Advertising Research,” in Handbook of Media Processes and Effects, eds. R. Nabi and M. B. Oliver, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 299-312.
Lowrey, Tina M. (2008), “The Case for a Complexity Continuum,” in Go Figure: New Directions in Advertising Rhetoric, eds. E. F. McQuarrie and B. J. Phillips, Armonk, NY: ME Sharpe, 159-177.
Lowrey, Tina M. (2008), “Preface,” in Brick & Mortar Shopping in the 21st Century, ed. T. M. Lowrey, New York, NY: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, xxiii-xxvi.
Lowrey, Tina M. (2007), “Preface,” in Psycholinguistic Phenomena in Marketing Communications, ed. T. M. Lowrey, Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, ix-xii.
Shrum, L. J., and Tina M. Lowrey (2007), “Sounds Convey Meaning: The Implications of Phonetic Symbolism for Brand Name Construction” in Psycholinguistic Phenomena in Marketing Communications, ed. T. M. Lowrey, Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 39-58.
Otnes, Cele C., Julie A. Ruth, Tina M. Lowrey, and Suraj Commuri (2006), “Capturing Time,” in Handbook of Qualitative Research Methods in Marketing, ed. R. W. Belk, Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 387-399.Lowrey, Tina M., L. J. Shrum, and John A. McCarty (2005), “The Future of Television Advertising,” in Marketing Communication: Emerging Trends and Developments, ed. Allan J. Kimmel, New York: Oxford University Press, 113-132.
Lowrey, Tina M., and Cele C. Otnes (2003), “Consumer Fairy Tales of the Perfect Christmas: Villains and Other Dramatis Personae,” in Contemporary Consumption Rituals: A Research Anthology, eds. C. C. Otnes and T. M. Lowrey, Mahway, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 99-122.
Otnes, Cele C., and Tina M. Lowrey (2003), “Preface,” in Contemporary Consumption Rituals: A Research Anthology, eds. C. C. Otnes and T. M. Lowrey, Mahway, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, xvii-xxiii.
Lowrey, Tina M., Cele Otnes, and L. J. Shrum (1998), “Consumer Ambivalence: Lessons Learned from Participant Observation in Shopping with Consumers,” in New Developments and Approaches in Consumer Behavior Research, eds. I. Balderjahn, C. Mennicken, and E. Vernette, London: Macmillan, 307-320.
Lowrey, Tina M., Cele Otnes, and Kevin Robbins (1996), “Values Influencing Christmas Gift Selection: An Interpretive Study,” in Gift Giving: A Research Anthology, eds. C. Otnes and R. F. Beltramini, Bowling Green, OH: Popular Press, 37-56.
Shrum, L. J., Tina M. Lowrey and John A. McCarty (1996), “Using Marketing and Advertising Principles to Encourage Pro-environmental Behaviors,” in Marketing and Consumer Behavior Research in the Public Interest, ed. R. P. Hill, Beverly Hills: Sage, 197-216 (refereed).
Lowrey, Tina M., and Cele Otnes (1994), “Construction of a Meaningful Wedding: Differences in the Priorities of Brides and Grooms,” in Gender Issues and Consumer Behavior, ed. J. A. Costa, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 164-183 (refereed).Contact Information
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